ALL-IN-ONE RENTAL Retail space, Workshop and Living Quarters located on 441 So. near Otto, NC. $2500/month. Call or text (828)269-1252.
2BR/2BA NEWLY Renovated 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Application, references and deposit required. Never smoked in or had animals. $1,200.00 per month. (828)371-2218. Calcium Hydroxide Production Line
DAVID CHEEK’S WELL Pumps, Sales Service & Installation of Pumps and Iron Removal Systems. For All Your Water Needs.(828)369-5176.
CNA TRAINED CAREGIVER In Home Aid, Run Errands, Dr. Appointments, Grocery Store/Pharmacy. References. Over 15 Y ears Experience. (828)342-3750.
GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT Cleaning and Repair. New Installation, Leaf Guards. No Job Too Small, Free Estimates. Call Rick Hall (828)371-3566.
FRANKLIN OTTER WASH Exterior pressure washing, decks and RV’s you name it. I can bring my own water and your estimate is free! For any questions call (828)200-5298. We’re happy to help!
CLEANING PACKING ORGANIZING & Other Household Services. Vacation Rental Cleaning. Great References. Mountain Area Property Services (828)550-4585.
NEW CREATIONS Landscaping LLC. Landscaping Projects, Cleanup, Annual Color, Mulch, Pine Straw, Aerating, Fertilizing, Hardscapes, Steps, Retaining Walls, Grading, Gravel, Design, Grounds Maintenance, Firewood and Much More! Licensed & Insured, Free Estimates (828)524-6959.
HANDYMAN HOME REPAIRS Carpentry, Pressure Washing, Gutter Cleaning, Decks, Drywall, Painting, Electrical/Plumbing, Repairs of any kind. 40 Years, Fast/Reasonable/Reliable. (828)332-7247.
CAROLINA PAINTING & Remodeling, Pressure Washing, Painting, Home Repairs, 28 Years Experience in WNC. Cell (828)371-9754.
FREE ESTIMATES Rain Gutter Clean Out. Fall Yard Clean Up & Care, Mulch/Fertilizer. Pressure Cleaning. No Yard Too Large or Too Small. Bob (828)342-5273.
STALLSWORTH PAINTING Interior/Exterior, Pressure Washing, Handyman, 35 Years Experience. Insured. Cell (239)860-0117, home (828)332-4382.
DIESCHER ELECTRIC Professional service. Reasonable rates. NC Licensed and fully insured. 20+ years experience. (845)807-1326.
CRANE BROS. WELL Drilling, 6” Drilled Wells for Farms Homes and Industries, Free Estimates. 248 Crane Circle, Franklin. (828)524-4976.
CLASSIC PAINT Interior & Exterior, Residential, Commercial. Committed to Excellence! Licensed & Insured Larry Jacobs call (828)421-4987.
GRADING, FIINISH Grading, Hydroseed, Driveways, Roads, Hauling, Land Clearing, Chipper. Install Septic Systems, Retaining Walls, Rock Work, Boulders, Patio, Perez. (828)524- 8650, (828)347-6793 Excellent References.
SHUTTLE CAR Service to Airports, Bus & Train. (305)216-7234 or (954)650-3851.
GIBSON’S PAINTING & Home Repairs, 30 Years Experience, Insured, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Interior and Exterior Painting, Pressure Washing. Free Estimates, Beat Any Price. (828)200-7549.
MELTON’S ROOFING Gutter Cleaning and Chimney Sweeping. Give Us a Call at cell# (828)421-6712 With All Your Roof and Gutter Needs.
PROFESSIONAL KNIFE and scissor sharpening Mon-Sat. Kitchen Sink Inc. 72 E. Main Street, Franklin (828)524- 2956.
ROCK-OLA BUBBLER CD Jukebox, Full size, Loaded with CD’s, Excellent Condition. Must Have Gameroom or Man Cave. Serious Only (727)631-2906.
MRE’S Military Boots, Clothing, Rain Gear, Cold Weather Gear, Sleeping Bags, Vests, Packs, Bags, Field Gear, G.I. 5 gallon Gas Cans! We Buy, Trade all Types Military Clothes, Field Gear, W/C Poncho Liner, Woobie. Open Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-5, 329 Bennett Ridge Rd. Franklin, (828)349-3140. bandmsur-
FIREWOOD ALL HARDWOOD Truck Load Delivered and Stacked, $100. (828)347-2409.
CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA with Partial Proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis, Friday and Saturday, November 18-19, 8am-4pm Daily, Asbury Church located at 81 Firehouse Rd., in Otto, NC across from the Otto Fire Department, Items will include a Multitude of Christmas, Home Decor/Decorations and Supplies, Fall & Home Decor, Jewelry, Pet Supplies, Furniture & Dinette Set, Quilting Frame and So Much More! Numerous Items Only $1. We always appreci- ate your support!
STANDARD POODLES Yorkie-poos, Pom-a-poos. Current Health Records. All pups CKC registered. (828)524-7232.
ADOPT A PET AARC Animal Shelter, 851 Lake Emory Rd., Franklin. Call for an Appointment. (828)524-4588.
VOLUNTEERS & DOG Walkers Needed at Macon County Animal Services. 18 years and older. Call Debbie (941)266-7084.
CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA with Partial Proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis, Friday and Saturday, November 18-19, 8am-4pm Daily, Asbury Church located at 81 Firehouse Rd., in Otto, NC across from the Otto Fire Department, Items will include a Multitude of Christmas, Home Decor/Decorations and Supplies, Fall & Home Decor, Jewelry, Pet Supplies, Furniture & Dinette Set, Quilting Frame and So Much More! Numerous Items Only $1. We always appreciate your support!
APPALACHIAN ANIMAL Rescue Thrift Store, Open Tuesday thru Saturday, 9am- 4pm, 1521 Old Murphy Rd., (828)369-3046.
HABIT A T RE-STORE 56 W Palmer St., Franklin. Furniture, Lighting, Plumbing, Building Materials, Doors & Windows, Appliances & More! (828)524-5273. Sylva Re-Store,1315 W. Main St. (828)586-1800. Hours for both Stores Mon./Wed./Fri./Sat. 10-4pm.
REACH FOR BARGAINS in Heritage Hollow, open Tuesday-Friday, 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm, Benefits Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Macon County. Information call (828)369-2040.
CASHIERS COLOR CENTER is looking to hire a full- time individual to assist in the paint department. Duties will include mixing paint, assisting customers with color selections and sundry items, stocking shelves and daily cleaning. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. This individ- ual must be dependable, self-motivated, have great customer service skills and be willing to learn. We will offer on-the-job training, so experience is not necessary. For more information, call Derek T aylor @ (828)200- 9226, or stop by Cashiers Color Center to fill out an application.
POSITION AVAILABLE Community Inclusion Specialist Disability Partners is seeking an outgoing indi- vidual who can assist people with disabilities to reach their desired level of indepen- dence through many special- ized services. Must have high school diploma or equivalent, be a self-starter with organizational skills, excellent written and com- munication skills, knowledge of Microsoft Office and data base opera- tions. Work experience and education will be considered. Benefits include vacation, sick, holidays, dental, life, vision and health insurance along with 401K. Join our team and make a difference. Applications available at Disability Partners, 525 Mineral Springs Drive, Sylva or on our website: disability- Call Chuck Oaks for more information (828)631-1167.
HOME CARE PARTNERS Want a flexible work sched- ule with benefits? Mon–Fri. No nights or weekends. Full and Part-time positions. Help someone remain indepen- dent in their home rather than be institutionalized. A lot of people need a little help and you could be that someone who cares. Up to $12.50 per hour. Call Home Care Partners (828)586- 1570 or (828)507-6065. Applications available at 525 Mineral Springs Drive, Sylva.
LOOKING FOR Full-time Office Assistant/Service Writer, Must have basic com- puter, phone skills. knowl- edge of cars a plus, but will- ingness to learn is required. Stop by in person at Ramseys Auto Clinic, Inc. 967 Roller Mill Rd.
ZAXBY’S OF FRANKLIN Now Hiring Full-time, Managers, Cooks, Cashiers with weekend availability. Apply at Come grow with us!
POSITION AVAILABLE Program Administrative Assistant Disability Partners is seeking an individual with two years’ experience in office administration includ- ingproficient experience with Microsoft Office, accuracy and ability to meet deadlines a must, be a team player with personality to work with all levels of management in a fast-paced work environ- ment. Confidentiality, verbal and written communication a high priority. People with dis- abilities are encouraged to apply. Applications are avail- able on our website: disabili- or at 525 Mineral Springs Drive. Sylva NC 28779 between 9am and 4pm. Please call Philana Griffin at (828)631-1167 for more information.
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